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Terms & Conditions



The Booking is a binding contract whereby the guest is permitted to use the property as holiday/temporary accommodation for the duration stated, and with the agreement of certain conditions.  The ‘Terms & Conditions’ under which our Holiday Cottages are Let include the following:





The property must be paid for at the rate and in the manner stated.  The booked occupants must arrive and depart at the times and on the dates agreed – stay NO longer than the date agreed, and vacate ON TIME.

There is no exclusive right to occupy the property, and we (All Seasons Cottage Breaks) or our authorised agent(s) shall have right of access to the property at any time in the case of emergency or concern, or to undertake repairs or necessary maintenance.

The accommodation is designed for normal domestic use by individuals/families only, and is not to be used for gatherings or parties of any kind.

‘Over-occupation’ will not be permitted under any circumstances. The property let is for the accommodation of no more than the maximum number of persons stated on the Booking Form, and for the same persons throughout the duration of the stay.  NO visitors/extra persons are to be accommodated overnight (this includes children).  


If the booked occupant(s) fail to comply with the Terms & Conditions set out herein, they may be required to immediately vacate the property. No refund will be given.  


Any persons in addition in number to the maximum allowable will not be permitted entry, or will be required to immediately leave the property. Additional charges will also apply.


If, upon arrival or at any time during the Booked dates, the person(s) are not as described in the original Booking we (All Seasons Cottage Breaks) reserve the right to cancel the Booking and require all occupants to leave. No refund will be given. 



Booking Process:

All elements of the Booking Process must be complete before guest(s) will be allowed access to the property booked. These elements include:

. Payment - of the full Rental amount. 

. Booking Form - fully completed and legible.

. Damage Deposit - received by us prior to guests’ Arrival.

. Names and full postal addresses of all occupants. Plus ages of any children (under 18 yrs).


Please Note:

A mobile telephone number must be provided prior to Arrival (if not included on the Booking Form) for us to contact guest(s) on route, and communicate (as necessary) during the stay.




All occupants (including any children, infants and dogs) must present themselves so that they can be matched to the details provided on the Booking.

If the details do not match (such as the number of occupants exceeds the Maximum Occupancy for the property, or the dog is unsuitable to be accommodated at the property), we reserve the right the refuse access to the Cottage and cancel the Booking with immediate effect. No refund would be given.





Reservations & Payments

A stay can be booked in advance to reserve chosen dates with a Booking Deposit (a non-refundable holding-deposit) of 25% of the Rental or £200.00 per week/part-week (whichever is greater), but must be paid for in full EIGHT weeks before the arrival-date.  Bookings for ‘Christmas Week’ and/or ‘New Year Week’ would need to be paid for in full TWELVE weeks before the arrival-date or by the beginning of August (whichever is soonest).


Failure to pay the balance promptly will jeopardise the booking, so guests must ensure that they pay any balance due within the period allowed. 

For bookings made WITHIN 8 WEEKS of the start-date of the stay, payment must be made in full at the time of confirming the booking.

Please note that ‘cleared funds’ must be received prior to entry to the cottage.


Non-Payment of Balances Due

If, after paying a Booking Deposit, the guest fails to pay the balance within the time allowed, the booking will be Cancelled and the Booking Deposit paid will be retained by us.  The Cottage will then be re-advertised for the relevant dates, for it to be re-booked by a different guest.

In the event of a ‘Date-Change’ being agreed, a ‘Re-Booking Fee’ of £200.00 per week/part-week for each ‘Date-Change’ requested will be payable in addition to any payments already made. 



We reserve the right to only agree a date-date on the basis that the original dates booked are re-sold to an alternative guest.  



Payment methods accepted

Payments can be made by Bank Transfer, or by Credit/Debit Card online through our website, or via a secure link sent by email. 


Any charges we incur in receiving payment of, for example an International Bank Transfer, will be added to the cost of the Booking and the guest will be charged accordingly. The surcharge will be limited to the level of the transaction charge.

There is no charge for using a Consumer Credit or Debit Card.


If a Business/commercial Credit or Debit Card is used there will be a Surcharge to cover the higher Transaction Fees we would incur. The Transaction Fees for a Business/Commercial Credit/Debit Card may be up to 5% (depending upon the guest’s Card provider). The Surcharge payable by the guest would be limited to the cost to us for the Transaction.





If we receive Notice of Cancellation, the Booking will be null & void and the Cottage booked will be re-advertised to make it available to be re-booked (to someone else) for the period of the original booking.



In the unfortunate event that the guest is unable to take their stay on the dates booked (due to illness, etc.,), they can either request a REFUND or a ‘DATE-CHANGE’.

If a ‘Date-Change’ is requested, we will endeavour to agree an alternative (later or earlier) start-date, subject to availability and any necessary pricing adjustment resultant from the date-change.

If no alternative start-date can be agreed, the guest will be offered a refund – subject to our ‘Refund Policy’.  ALL requests for a ‘DATE-CHANGE’, MUST BE IN WRITING.

In the event of a ‘Date-Change’ being agreed, a ‘Re-Booking Fee’ of £200.00 per week/part-week for each ‘Date-Change’ requested will be payable in addition to any payments already made.  (There is no charge if our 'Covid-19 Booking Guarantee' applies.)


If the rental-rate of the new dates chosen is more than the rental-rate of the original dates, the guest will need to also pay the difference.  If the rental-rate of the new dates chosen is less than the rental-rate of the original dates, the guest will not be entitled to a refund of the difference.


We reserve the right to only agree a date-date on the basis that the original dates booked are re-sold to an alternative guest. 

(This is not a requirement if our 'Covid-19 Booking Guarantee' applies.)




The Booking Deposit  is NON-REFUNDABLE 

NO refunds will be given during the EIGHT weeks prior to the commencement of the stay.



The furniture, fixtures and effects MUST be preserved, and protected, from destruction or damage, and the guest hereby agrees to pay for any such articles as shall be broken, lost or damaged or destroyed by the guest or any other person or others connected with him/her (including children and/or pets).


Nothing must be done or allowed to be done on the property which may be a nuisance to the owners, nor to occupants of the adjoining or neighbouring properties.


Furniture or effects MUST NOT be removed from the premises NOR may anything be taken from the property into the Courtyard/garden/alley (if applicable to the cottage booked) NOR may furniture/equipment/effects be taken to another room or location within the cottage NOR may any items of furniture of any shape or size be brought into the property.





The person(s) booking the accommodation will have a responsibility to preserve and protect the fabric of the building, and the furniture, fixtures and effects from destruction or damage, and to pay for any such articles as shall be broken, lost or damaged or destroyed by them or any other person or others connected with him/her (including children and/or pets). Any losses, damage or breakage will be charged for in full.


Upon departure the property and all furniture, fixtures and effects MUST be left in the same clean state as they were at the commencement of the stay. We (All Seasons Cottage Breaks) reserve the right to make a charge for extra cleaning if the property is not left in a satisfactory condition. This may include washing and/or dry cleaning of any duvets, pillows, bedlinen, towels, blinds/curtains, carpets and furnishings which have been unreasonably soiled during the stay.

An additional charge may also be made if, as a result of any damage-repairs or extra cleaning/laundering/dry-cleaning, etc., required, the cottage cannot be made ready in time for the next guests. In this case, the guest(s) will also be liable for any losses of rental income we incur as a result, and/or for the cost to us of any compensation or concession we make to the next guest(s) in order to retain their Booking.


A cleaning charge will be made if there is any evidence of dog-toileting in the outside space (including in the alleyway and/or Courtyard).


Any breakages or damage caused MUST be reported to us immediately, so that appropriate action may be taken to rectify the situation without delay.


Under NO circumstances should guests attempt any repairs themselves, or engage a Tradesperson themselves to undertake a repair; NOR should they replace or arrange for the replacement of any broken/damaged items (even small items such as crockery, glasses, etc.).


Property Maintenance
Maintenance issues at the property which are identified by the guest MUST be reported to us immediately, so that appropriate action may be taken to rectify the situation without delay.



A Damage Deposit of £250.00 per property is required, prior to arrival, to cover any necessary additional cleaning, breakages, or damage to the property, fixtures & fittings or the contents, or the removal of any excess rubbish.

The ‘Damage Deposit’ must be received by us as a Card Payment – either at the time of Booking, or in good time (usually min. 7 days) prior to arrival.


As the ‘Damage Deposit’ forms an integral part of the Booking process, entry to the booked property will not be permitted until the ‘Damage Deposit’ is received by us. There is no facility on-site to take payment of Damage Deposits upon Arrival.

The ‘Damage Deposit’ will usually be returned within 7 days of departure (providing no deductions are necessary), by refunding the SAME Card.


If deductions are necessary, we will contact the person(s) who booked the property, outlining the details, as soon as is practicable.  We will deduct the required amount from the ‘Deposit’ held and refund any balance.  If the required deductions exceed the value of the Deposit, we will claim the balance from the person(s) who booked the property – and this will need to be paid to us within 7 days.

All guests are Legally Liable for breakages and damage. We collect a ‘Damage Deposit’ from guests prior to each stay, which is returned a few days after Departure - assuming no deductions are necessary.


We know that accidents can sometimes happen. We rarely make a charge for such things as a broken wine glass or chipped mug, but more expensive or fundamental things would have to be charged for as it is essential that we maintain the high standards that our guests have come to expect - and also to maintain our high Tourist Board Rating, of 4 Star/4 Star Gold.


We value guests who respect our Cottages and look after them for us.




For the purposes of charging for the accommodation, ‘Infants’ are classed as children not old enough to sleep in a bed – and, therefore, requiring a Cot.  All children old enough to require a bed to sleep in will be counted when calculating bed-spaces for Maximum Occupancy.

Any children MUST be kept under strict Parental Supervision at all times. They MUST NOT be left alone at the Cottage under any circumstances.



All of our Cottages are strictly ‘Non-Smoking’. 

We reserve the right to cancel any Booking and require guests (and any other occupants) to immediately vacate the property if it is clear that any of the occupants are smoking inside the property. No refund will be given.


Candles or other naked flames are not permitted to be used on the premises. Barbecue-cooking is not permitted anywhere on the premises. Disposable barbecues, or barbecue fuel or any other flammables, must not be stored on the premises. 


Only the designated facilities and areas may be used to dry guest's laundry. Wet laundry must not be hung to dry inside any of the properties (including on radiators, on backs of chairs, etc.) - this can cause dampness or other damage.

Guests must not launder anything belonging to the Cottage. If there is cause to have anything laundered during the stay, we should be contacted to make the necessary arrangements.


The property must be secured whenever unattended - including locking outer (front & back) doors, and closing windows on latches/locks.



If any keys (including any window-lock keys) are lost (or mislaid, and not found) replacements (up to 6 copies of each outstanding key) will be charged for.


If keys cannot be replaced for any reason, or if outstanding key(s) are to front and/or back doors and we believe there may be a security risk, the relevant locks will also be replaced and this will also be at the guest’s expense.



Any pets (if permitted at the property booked) MUST be kept under strict control at all times. They MUST NOT be allowed on furniture, beds, etc., and they MUST NOT under any circumstances be left in the property unsupervised whatsoever.

Only small, well-behaved and clean dogs, which are family pets and are fully and reliably ʻhouse-trainedʼ and have received effective and up to date vaccinations plus treatment for fleas, ticks, worms, etc., are permitted – even as visitors. Puppies (dogs under ONE year old) will not be accepted.

No Cats, or any other animals of any description, are permitted on the premises.

If a guest arrives at the booked property with a dog or dogs which have not been accurately described to us, or are clearly not clean or well-behaved or of a small size, we (All Seasons Cottage Breaks) or our Agent(s) reserve the right to refuse entry to the property and cancel the booking with immediate effect. Under these circumstances, the guest would not be entitled to a refund.

Dogs MUST NOT be allowed to foul anywhere on the premises whatsoever – including any garden/Courtyard/alleyway. Any necessary removal of dog-waste and/or resultant cleaning of carpet/mats/flooring inside the property, or garden or paved/concreted areas elsewhere on the property, will be charged for.



We, as owners, and our employees/agents, shall not be liable to any person for personal injury, or for any loss of, or damage to, property – however caused or sustained.



Personal Possessions
The belongings of the guest, or any other person with him/her or associated with him/her, are entirely their own responsibility and no liability will be accepted by All Seasons Cottage Breaks for any loss or damage, however caused, to their belongings.


Force Majeure
If for any reason beyond our control (eg: fire or flood  damage, Services faults, etc.) the property is not available on the date booked, the guest may be offered alternative accommodation in another All Seasons Cottage Breaks property – if a suitable property is available. If a suitable alternative cottage is not available, all rental charges paid by the guest will be refundable in full, but the guest shall have no further claim against us (All Seasons Cottage Breaks) or our agent(s).


Holiday Insurance
The Rental charge/Booking Deposit may be covered by a holiday cancellation insurance policy, which would need to be purchased independently by the guest - at their discretion.

We recommend taking up Holiday Insurance to cover the unforeseen.



If the guest has any concerns or experiences any difficulties during their stay, the matter(s) should be raised IMMEDIATELY with us (on the Mobile telephone number provided) . Every effort will be made to ensure that any difficulties are resolved to the full satisfaction of all parties, and the enjoyment of the stay is not affected adversely.


If the guest has any Complaints, the issue(s) should be raised with us as soon as possible – IN WRITING – and it will be responded to at our earliest opportunity. 


In the event of any damage or disturbance or of any other breach or failure to comply with any of the Terms & Conditions herein stated, whether identified by us (All Seasons Cottage Breaks) or reported to us by our Agent(s), etc., the guest (including all other occupants and dogs) will be required to immediately vacate the property, and to leave the vicinity – regardless of how many days of their booked stay are remaining. In this instance, the guest will not be entitled to a refund, in part or in full, of any amount paid to us for the stay.



Last updated:  December 2022


4 Star Self-Catering Holiday Cottages in the historic market town of Saxmundham, close to the unspoilt Suffolk Heritage Coast. Our single-storey Holiday Cottages have level floors, and ground floor bedrooms and bathrooms. Pet-friendly, and family-friendly, our one and two bedroomed fully-equipped Holiday Cottages will provide you with a 'Home From Home' on your holiday and are within 30 mins drive of most popular attractions and places of interest - including Aldeburgh, Snape and Southwold. Ideal for Walkers, Birdwatchers, dog-friendly holidays, and relaxing breaks with family or friends at any time of year.

Contact Information 

Telephone: 01728 604671


All Seasons Cottage Breaks:

Chapel Road
Suffolk IP17 1BH

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